FY2025 Proposed Budget Now Available for Review

Updated 3/20/2024 6:00PM
Budget Cover

The Town of Hubbardston is pleased to announce the release of the Fiscal Year 2025 Proposed Budget for public review. The budget will be presented by Town Administrator Nathan R. Boudreau at tonight's meeting of the Hubbardston Select Board.

This year, we have taken advantage of adding different levels to the budget that can be accessed via links, allowing you to tailor your municipal budget experience and be as involved as you see fit.

Link: FY2025 Budget Proposal

The budget proposal represents the culmination of months of work, collaboration, and careful consideration of Hubbardston's needs and financial constraints. It is designed to balance the delivery of essential services with the fiscal realities we face.

If you have any questions or require further information, please feel free to reach out to Town Administrator Nathan R. Boudreau at 978-928-1400 x200 or by email at admin@hubbardstonma.us

Thank you for your interest and engagement in the financial stewardship of your town.