COVID 19 Update - 12/26/20

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Hubbardston is a “Green” community according to the December 24th, 2020 MA DPH COVID-19 report. This means Hubbardston has less than 15 active cases, but more than 10. The current number of active cases in town is 13. This is a lower risk level than last week's report as Hubbardston saw a decline in active COVID-19 cases.

It is important to note that towns bordering Hubbardston, to include Rutland, Gardner, Westminster, Princeton and Templeton continue to be in a Red status. Neighboring Barre and Princeton saw status declines from Red to Yellow in this report.

The town has seen 62 cases since the start of the pandemic. More than 376 residents have been tested in the last 14 days with 14 of those residents reporting positive results.

As of now, there is no impact to Hubbardston governmental service levels to include schools, but Town Officials are consistently monitoring these rising statistics. We are asking that all residents visit our town offices only by appointment and only if necessary. This is to protect our limited staff and public safety officials.

Residents are reminded to wear masks in public, keep social distancing, consistently and effectively wash hands, and limit gatherings to state recommendations.

To see the full report, visit this site.