Town COVID-19 Update - December 14, 2020

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Hubbardston is a green community in the newest weekly public health report with a current case count of 12. In the last 14 days, 323 Hubbardston residents have been tested with 13 positives, giving the town a 4% positivity rate. This is a higher rate than the previous week. Towns bordering Hubbardston are seeing higher case totals with Westminster, Gardner, and Rutland in red statuses and Barre and Templeton in yellow statuses.

Town offices remain open for appointments only. Please continue to reach out to our departments remotely if possible in order to protect our employees and keep our services to include public safety. Our employees are continuing to work hard to keep all town services at levels residents expect.

Here is a note from the Board of Health Chairperson, Cathy Hansgate:

Hubbardston is listed by the state as a 'green' risk level this week, and we have had a total of 48 cases. This news means that most people are really following the COVID-19 guidelines, BUT these numbers are higher than over the summer ------ so we must keep masking, distancing, washing hands and using hand sanitizer after touching things that others have handled. The BOH has set up a subcommittee to plan for vaccination clinics for the spring. We will keep you updated with our town's efforts to this end. Thank you for caring for yourselves, your family, and your neighbors.

For more information about the town's COVID-19 response, visit our official Web site: