Vietnam Memorial Committee Agenda

Virtual Meeting
Monday, April 5, 2021 - 6:00pm
  1. Open Meeting with reading of Governor Baker's  zoom meeting proclamation
  2. Review and accept the minutes of our previous meeting on March 11th, 2021
  3. Results of the Board of Selectmen's meeting on March 29th
  4. Review of our site selection for the location of the Memorial on the common
  5. Update on the definition of who is classified as a Vietnam Era Veteran from Sara Wyman our Veterans Service Officer 
  6. Discussion for fundraising such as gofundme and grants. Sara Wyman was going to look into this.
  7. Discussion of our strategies to identify and do outreach to be sure we are all inclusive for our Vietnam Veterans. This will include Tom Colyer and I using Hubbardston Cable along with other sources.
  8. Selecting a treasurer for our committee to keep track of finances. (Deloroes Ordway has volunteered to be our secretary)
  9. Begin discussions of design for monument and sourcing some quotes. Ed Blanchard may have some thoughts on this.
  10. Other business 
  11. Adjourn


Bill Shea, Chairman