Call for Participation in Structural Deficit Working Group


Town Administrator Nathan Boudreau recently presented to the Select Board about Hubbardston's financial obligations and the pressing need to address the looming structural deficit.  As a result, the Office of the Town Administrator is now calling on residents to participate in the Structural Deficit Working Group.

A structural deficit is a long-term financial imbalance that cannot be solved by temporary measures. It requires permanent changes to our budget.

The Structural Deficit Working Group will be made up of a diverse group of residents with a variety of skills and expertise. We will meet regularly to discuss the issue and develop recommendations for how to address it.

The working group will consist of:

Town Administrator (Chair)



Town Clerk

Executive Assistant

Four members of the community at large, two of whom have municipal, finance, or public safety experience, one who has marketing experience, and one who has a child currently enrolled at the QRSD.

Your insights and experience will be invaluable as we work to develop a plan that will secure Hubbardston's financial future to present to the Select Board and Finance Committee. 

If you are interested in participating, please contact or 978-928-1400 x200

Thank you for your time and consideration.