dog license

Due to COVID-19 and limited access for veterinary appointments, late fee's will be waived for the remainder of 2020. Please be aware Massachusetts State Law requires all dogs be licensed and vaccinated by 6 months of age.  If you have a current rabies on file with the Town, please register your dog as soon as possible. Dog license renewals can be submitted online or by dropping a check made payable to the “Town of Hubbardston”, along with a self-addressed stamped envelope in the secure drop box located outside the library basement offices. If your dogs rabies has expired, please notify us of your scheduled appointment in order to mark your file. Please be aware that Animal Control has the authority to issue fines for failure to comply.

Please feel free to contact the Town Clerks office directly with any questions or concerns via the following:

Phone: 978-928-1400 x202
