Office of the Town Administrator - Structural Deficit Working Group Invitation


Dear Hubbardston residents,

I hope you are enjoying your summer as it begins to wind down.  I am inviting interested community members to participate in Hubbardston's new Structural Deficit Working Group.

As many know, the town faces ongoing budget difficulties and long-term financial constraints. To tackle these challenges collaboratively and constructively, we are forming a working group of engaged residents and Financial Staff to explore potential solutions. The Structural Deficit Working Group will meet over the next few months to consider different approaches to combat Hubbardston's structural deficit. This may include reviewing town expenditures, identifying new revenue sources, or proposing a ballot initiative to stabilize the town's financial future.

The group will research best practices, analyze financial data, and ultimately present recommendations to the Select Board. This is a tremendous opportunity to get involved and make a real difference in shaping Hubbardston's fiscal future.

We are seeking a diverse range of community members to contribute their skills and perspectives to these discussions. Prior financial experience is not required. The most important qualifications are a passion for your town, an open mind, and a willingness to work together.

If you would like to volunteer for the Structural Deficit Working Group, please contact me at I hope many of you will consider participating in this important initiative. 



Nathan R. Boudreau,MPA, MCPPO
Hubbardston Town Administrator
7 Main Street Hubbardston MA, 01452
978-928-1400 x200

Financial Review Documents:

August 7, 2023 - Financial Obligations Presentation

FY23 Financial Summary

January 2023 - FY24 - FY28 Financial Forecast