Town Administrator's Budget Proposal Now Available


The Town Administrator presented his operating and capital budget for FY24 on March 21, 2023. It would raise the town's overall operating budget by 3.27%. The plan allows for modest staff, municipal service, and educational budget increases.  The proposed budget is balanced by $116,753 in expiring debt and $82,554.03 in free cash. However, the use of the expiring debt will be discussed further during the budget season, and a few options are broken down in the long form budget.

The town has a structural budget deficit that can only be closed with controlled growth or new revenue. The town administration will be working on a 2.5% override plan to present to the voters ahead of FY2025. To help reduce the budget deficit, town officials are exploring places where costs could be cut and efficiency could be improved. They will be exploring these options alongside the override plan to ensure long-term financial stability for the town.

 What’s next?

A public hearing and communications campaign schedule will be announced

The final budget revision will be released based on suggestions from the Select Board, Finance Committee, and the public.

The Select Board reviews the budget for FY24.

The FY24 budget is reviewed by the finance committee.

Residents will discuss and vote on the final version of the budget at our June 6, 2023, annual town meeting.

 The Town Administrator is open to feedback and suggestions from the community regarding the allocation of funds, and encourages residents to attend the upcoming budget meetings to voice their opinions. It is important for all stakeholders to participate in the budget process to ensure that the final budget reflects the needs and priorities of the town. Town Administrator Nathan Boudreau can be reached at 978-928-1400 x200 or by email at

 The full budget proposal can be viewed here, and the presentation can be seen here (42:30).

 Thank you